Monday 16 January 2017

Unit 40 Assignment 1 (Part 1)

Unit 40
Computer game design

Assignment 1
What is a game?

Mikolaj Wesolowski

Sunday 15 January 2017

Unit 40 Assignment 1 (Part 2)


NCS Game Studio is a small independent game development house, that specialises in games design for a range of national and international clients: producing game play designs (video game designs): developing the narrative, setting, logical flow and level designs as well as the game mechanics.

NCS Game Studio’s philosophy to their games’ designs is that a “…computer game is essentially a highly interactive software application so, as with any complex piece of software, it requires suitable design, coding, testing and documentation.”

You are new to NCS Game Studio and your role is junior games designer.  You are part of team of three games designer, led by Les who is the video game producer. Your role is to publish an article exploring and deconstructing two different genre games of your choice, establishing there  ‘visual style’, design, structure and rules of play, using gaming terms – for the online gaming forum, Gama sutra

Saturday 14 January 2017

Unit 40 Assignment 1 (Part 3)


Task 1 (visual Style)

Image result for Skyrim world
Image result for Skyrim world
In the world of Skyrim there are many different terrains including grass, snow, ancient stone ground and so on, these things change depending on where you are for example you can be on high grounds and be on top of a mountain or you can be on low grounds in the woods where you are going to be standing on grass.
Also in Skyrim there is a lot of random architecture for example you can find a random temple in the middle of the woods or you can find random cabins you can find awesome looking ruins you can find entire villages, bridges and so on, you can find lots of random architectures in a lot of areas you can just be walking by and by accident find some ruins with lots of monsters inside.
And the last thing that I will talk about in the world subject will be the objects also known as things that you can interact will things like barrels, creates, caskets which is normally were most of the strong weapons are hidden you can find all types on items hidden in barrels and boxes like gold cloths which you can craft stuff from and so on.


Image result for skyrim characters creation
There is not really much that you can talk about in characters when it comes to Skyrim because the only person that really matters is your main character that you have created at the start of the game but you do get a lot of options when you create the character you have a bunch of race options and look after that you really can develop your character just the way you want them to be since there are different skills and you can pick the exact thing that you want your main character to be good at or you can try max everything out and make him good at everything.
Non-playing-characters (NPC's)
Image result for skyrim charactersIn skyrim there are a bunch of non-playing-characters the first time that you enter the game you get introduced to a couple of NPC's then you end up running away with one, that one NPC helps you to get away from the village after a dragon attacks the village you end up going through a cave where you have to fight guards if you do the NPC will help you after you fight the guards you can choose to fight the spiders and bears which if you choose to fight then the NPC that you are with will help you with it, after you leave the cave you are free to do whatever you want because the NPC leaves you, the only time that you will really be with NPC's is usually within quests.

Feedback interface

Image result for darkest dungeon victory screenIn skyrim after you finish a quest you will get something called a feedback interface that is the information that you get after completing a quest or a main plot in the mission of even a side quest it tells you what you did, what you were supposed to do, if you achieved your objective and it also tells you the side objectives that you have completed.

In skyrim the perspective that you can play on starts on 3rd person if the player wishes he can change it to 1st person and so on, i'm not sure if you can change into any other perspectives except from 1st person and 3rd person but I don't think that there is.

Image result for Skyrim perspectiveRelated image

Full motion video
There are a lot of cut scenes in skyrim no matter if you are doing main quests or side quests you will mostly get a lot of full motion videos which will talk about the story a bit and let you understand what is going on, full motion video's are also good because if you see what is going on you understand it better rather than reading it.

Image result for skyrim cutscenes
Task 1 (Gameplay)

Interaction model
Image result for heroes of might and magic 3In gaming there are two types of interaction models there is the avatar interaction model and then there is the omnipresence interaction model, In a game like heroes of might and magic 3 the only interaction model that is being used is the omnipresence interaction model meaning that you are not controlling one main character but you are controlling many characters from above so you don't only control one but you control many.

Single player
Heroes of might and magic 3 in mainly a single player game these type of single player games are mostly for people who prefer to do things on their own and who prefer to not be bothered by other people because they maybe like being alone or just because they don't want to try hard in a game but instead just go easy and play against the computer but some single players like a challenge so they might put the difficulty level to the maximum but still it's harder to go against some players than the single player maximum difficulty, people that play multi player games they prefer more of a challenge or just to have fun, you can play multi player on heroes of might and magic 3 but this game is so old hardly anyone plays it anymore.
Image result for heroes of might and magic 3 single player

Multi player
Now you can play heroes of might and magic 3 online and multi player but the thing s that the game is so old that no one really plays this game anymore so if you do play it you will most likely be playing solo if you are going to be using two different computers but if you are going to be using the same computer then you can play multi player.
Image result for heroes of might and magic 3 two heroes

Heroes of might and magic 3 is not a narrative game I don't personally think that this game style would suit a game such as this one but a narrative game style is a game that you play and just pick options of what you want to say of where you want to go best examples are heavy rain, the walking dead and the wolf among us.
Image result for The wolf among us narrative gaming style
Game settings

    Image result for stuck in a room game
  • Physical and temporal settings - Physical game settings is where the story is taking place in the game like a closed room within a game and it will have objects in it, I don't think that there is something like this in heroes of might and magic 3. Temporal game setting is what time that particular object was created or what year the game was set it.
Image result for Forest game setting
  • Environmental settings - This settings is based on the environment that surrounds you so for example in heroes of might and magic 3 you can be surrounded by forests depending on where you are to make the game feel more realistic and to make the player feel like he is experiencing this to make the player enjoy the game more.
    Image result for the walking dead game lee death
  • Emotional & ethical settings - These type of games aim to get some kind of emotional reaction out of you for example if you die in a game you get really angry and start shouting but when you actually complete or beat a boss then you are really satisfied only for the satisfaction to disappear when you complete the game for heroes of might and magic this might be happening when you experience the happiness of your first dragon kill but then the dragons get easier to kill so your satisfaction goes away, the ethical settings play a big part in a game like heroes because you are encouraged to act violently and fight all the time therefore critics believe that the game encourages players to act this way in real life. While ethical is just the style of the game for example a game like skyrim you have the knight era style while in a game like darkest dungeon has a different style its more of an occult gaming style.
Image result for darkest dungeon gold
  • Goals, challenges & rewards - The main purpose of playing a game is to accomplish some kind of hard challenge and get rewards from it and even latter once you get better at the game complete goals, in you can challenge yourself to complete every side mission in the game maybe which is something that I personally challenged myself because after that i get some good monsters that can then help me in other fights against other monsters therefore it is easier for me since I have more monsters and they might be stronger or better than my opponents.
    Image result for Trove
  • Addiction - Some games are so good that people are going to get addicted to them because there is so much to do in the game, the game looks so good, the story line is amazing or just about any other reason that you can give and heroes of might and magic 3 isn't all of theses reasons but this game is addictive to people that like to play all of these strategy games, some people even have to go to counselling to get themselves out of addiction to certain games.
    Image result for Coolest tetris game
  • Balance - There are some games that lack balance for example dark souls but most games actually have balance the art of balance is to be able to make sure that a game is fair both to the players and to the NPC's for example don't make a certain monster supper strong so that it's almost impossible to beat that monster, skyrim has great balance since all monsters scale with your level, while a game like heroes of might and magic 3 has pretty good game balance because there are monsters that will also scale depending on the time that you have actually played the game.
    Image result for Rules of chess
  • Rules - Rules is something that sets the boundaries to the player allowing them to understand what to do, what is right and what is wrong within the game that you are playing, There are not much rules in heroes of might and magic 3 but the rules and fair and very understandable.
Image result for minecraft inventory

  • Mechanics - A games mechanics will allow a player to determine many things and allow the player to know a variety of things for example the inventory will allow the player to know and see what items they have with them because they have collected it or found it somewhere and the player will also normally know how these items can be useful to them since they took that item it must mean they will use it for something, Scoring shows the player if they are doing well in a game or if they are doing bad in a game this is good if you are playing a game competitively and this will create a win condition for example the one with more score will win this game.
  • Game structure - Every game has a game structure this is normally a flow chart defying how the game will be played and how it works. An example can be seen bellow.
Image result for game structure flowchart